Sustain Humanity

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This is how so called civilized nations have prospered at the cost of indigenous people.

This is how so called civilized nations have prospered at the cost of indigenous people.
fighting against continued encroachment of their land by German colonial settlers. Although the number of Herero killed in the battle is unknown, those that did escape were forced to retreat across the Namibia desert, which led to the near-extinction of the people. Many of the Hereros died of thirst and exhaustion during their trek, and German patrols later found skeletons around holes 8-16 m (~25-50 ft) deep dug in a vain attempt to find water. The battle ended the Herero’s attempt to keep their land and sovereignty. Despite this ethnic genocide, the Herero people survived and continue to live in present-day Namibia, Botswana, and Angola.

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