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Saturday, December 5, 2015

प्यारे अफजल! Chemistry of Love! Physics of Crime!Phenomenon of Mafia Raj across the borders! माफिया,दहशतगर्द, गुंडे हुकूमत पैदा करती है। पालती, मारती भी वह ही है। मुहब्बत की जंग ही असल जंग है जो जीते मुहब्बत की जंग वे ही सिकंदर और नफरत के कारोबार में मालामाल हर सौदागर का आखेर बेड़ा गर्क। बालीवूड ने पाकिस्तान जीता है।हर मुहब्बत भरे दिल को जीता है। प्यारे अफजल का सबसे बड़ा सबक यही है। मेज पर कराची का नक्शा है और पुराना डान नये डान बने प्यारे अफजल को उसका इलाका समझा रहा है।पुराने डान ने अपना और अफजाल का इलाका दिखाया तो नये डान ने बाकी इलाकों के बारे में पूछा तो जवाब मिला कि सारे इलाके बंटे हुए हैं,जहां किसी न किसी दादा,गुंडा और डान का राज है। पूरा कराची शहर और पूरा पाकिस्तान माफियाऔर गुंजडा राज के हवाले हैं। मतलब समझ लीजिये। पलाश विश्वास

प्यारे अफजल! Chemistry of Love! Physics of Crime!Phenomenon of Mafia Raj across the borders!

माफिया,दहशतगर्द, गुंडे हुकूमत पैदा करती है। पालती, मारती भी वह ही है।

मुहब्बत की जंग ही असल जंग है जो जीते मुहब्बत की जंग वे ही सिकंदर और नफरत के कारोबार में मालामाल हर सौदागर का आखेर बेड़ा गर्क।

बालीवूड ने पाकिस्तान जीता है।हर मुहब्बत भरे दिल को जीता है।

प्यारे अफजल का सबसे बड़ा सबक यही है।

मेज पर कराची का नक्शा है और पुराना डान नये डान बने प्यारे अफजल को उसका इलाका समझा रहा है।पुराने डान ने अपना और अफजाल का इलाका दिखाया तो नये डान ने बाकी इलाकों के बारे में पूछा तो जवाब मिला कि सारे इलाके बंटे हुए हैं,जहां किसी न किसी दादा,गुंडा और डान का राज है।

पूरा कराची शहर और पूरा पाकिस्तान माफियाऔर गुंजडा राज के हवाले हैं।

मतलब समझ लीजिये।

पलाश विश्वास

Official promo:The power of words is a wonderful thing. It can melt a frozen heart, unite lovers, and mend pain. Pyarey Afzal is a heart touching story of a young man's struggle, to win the woman of his dreams. using words to paint canvases of love and affection. He expresses his desires in letters, but keeps them a secret. but when a conflict arises between families, the young man is forced to leave his home, a situation that exposes his hidden letters to everyone, including the woman of his affections.

पाकिस्तान को हिंदुस्तान से मुहब्बत कुछ कम नहीं है चाहे हिंदुस्तान को पाकिस्तान से मुहबब्त हो ना हो।प्यारे अफजल या किसी भी पाकिस्तानी ड्रामे के साउंड ट्रेक को सुन लें उसपर हावी बालीवूड है।

बालीवूड ने पाकिस्तान जीता है।हर मुहब्बत भरे दिल को जीता है।

प्यारे अफजल का सबसे बड़ा सबक यही है।

सबक यह भी है कि जंग हम तीन लड़ चुके हैं और जंग अभी बाकी है।अब हमारे हुक्मरान सौदा फिर करेंगे कि कब नये सिरे से वक्त की नजाकत के मुताबिक फिर कोई कारगिल या फिर कोई फूल वार हो।फिर भी न हिंदुस्तान पाकिस्तान फतह कर सकता है और न पाकिस्तान भारत का कुछ उखाड़ सकता है।

फारुख अब्दुल्ला ने हाल में सही कहा है कि आतंक का मुकाबला राष्ट्र नहीं कर सकता।सही इसलिए कि राष्ट्र ही आतंकवादी पैदा करता है।

हमने हाल  में तालिबान, अलकायदा और आइसिस की कुंडली बांची है।अमेरिका ने पैदा किये तमामो भस्मासुर और सारे सुदर्सन चक्र उनके सफाये के बदले उनकी हिफाजत में लगे हैं।

अमेरिका ने पैदा किये आइसिस तो इजराइल ने पाला पोसा।मौलिक संकट अफगानिस्तान में सोवियत हस्तक्षेप से शुरु हुआ बाकी तेल युद्ध है।

दरअसल नफरत और जंग के जरिये कोई मुल्क जीता नहीं जाता।हिंदुस्तान फतह करने के बावजूद सिकंदर को यह अहसास हुआ तो सर झुकाकर वापस लौटा।

सम्राट अशोक ने भी कलिंग जीता था और बाकी इतिहास है।

मुहब्बत की जंग ही असल जंग है जो जीते मुहब्बत की जंग वे सिकंदर और नफरत के कारोबार में मालामाल हर सौदागर का आखेर बेड़ा गर्क।

हमने प्यारे अफजल की चर्चा करना इसलिए जरुरी समझा कि इस पाकिस्तानी ड्रामा ने आंकों में उंगली डालकर बता दिया है कि कैसे शहर दर शहर,मुल्क दर मुल्क माफिया और गुंडों के हवाले है।जहां प्रशासन सिर्फ जनता पर हुकूमत के वास्ते है जबकि बाकी सबकुछ माफिया राज के हवाले हैं।

गुंडों के लिए न कोई लाल या हरा सिगनल है न कोई दायरा।इसीलिए कत्लेआम और बलात्कार की यह सुनामी।

कानून सिर्फ जनता के दमन के लिए है गुंडों और माफिया के लिए कानून नहीं है।माफिया और गुंडे हुकूमत पैदा करती है।

वही सुपारी देती है और वही उन्हें पनाह देती है।

हुक्मउदूली जब उनसे हो जाती है,तब उन्हें मुठबेड़ में मार दिया जाता है और हुक्मुदूली नहीं होती और समीकरण बदल जाते हैं तो पैसे देकर सेफ कारीडोर से उन्हें किसी और मुल्क में भेज दिया जाता है।

यह हर मुल्क का असल किस्सा है।

मेज पर कराची का नक्शा है और पुराना डान नये डान बने प्यारे अफजल को उसका इलाका समझा रहा है।पुराने डान ने अपना और अफजाल का इलाका दिखाया तो नये डान ने बाकी इलाकों के बारे में पूछा तो जवाब मिला कि सारे इलाके बंटे हुए हैं,जहां किसी न किसी दादा,गुंडा और डान का राज है।

पूरा कराची शहर और पूरा पाकिस्तान माफियाऔर गुंजडा राज के हवाले हैं।

मतलब समझ लीजिये।

किसी भी माध्यम और विधा की किसी भी रचना की परख हम सामाजिक यथार्थ की कसौटी पर करते हैं।उसी मुताबिक जरुरी हुआ तो उसकी चीड़फाड़ करते हैं अगर उसके संदर्भ और प्रसंग से हमारा समय किसी न किसी रुप में प्रभावित होता है।

हम इस महादेश के भूगोल और इतिहास की विरासत साझा मानते हैं और मजहब और सियासत के दायरे से बाहर जनसंस्कृति की जड़ों को टटोलते रहते हैं क्योंकि हम मसलों और मुद्दों को किसी सीमा में बांधकर देखने के अभ्यस्त नहीं है।

इस महादेश के सारे टुकड़ों की लोक विरासत में अपनी जड़ें खोजना हमारी आदत है।

इसलिए बांग्लादेश हो या पाकिस्तान,नेपाल हो या श्रीलंका,भूटान हो या म्यांमर या अफगानिस्तान -चीजों को हम अपनी नजर से परखते हैं तो विरासत की खुशबू को स्पर्श करने की कोशिश भी होती है।

इसलिए हम पाकिस्तानी ड्रामा के उतने ही शौकीन हैं जितने बांग्लादेशी साहित्य के या भारतीय फिल्मों के।

इस देश के बिखरे बंटे टुकड़ों को महसूस किये बिना हम मसलों और मुद्दों को संबोधित कर नहीं सकते।

बिना राष्ट्र के संरक्षण के कोई अपकर्म अपराध कर्म या आतंक की वारदात संभव है ही नहीं,असल किस्सा प्यारे अफजल का यही है,जिसमें भारत और पाकिस्तान की सरहद एकाकार है।

भारत में हम अक्सरहां फिल्में माफिया और गुंडाराज पर दिखाते हैं तो वहां हर वक्त वजह भ्रष्याचार बता दी जाती है और अंततः सत्यमेव जयते और नायक हमेशा जिंदा या मुर्दा जो हो जीवित हो तो मुहब्बत की जंग में सिकंदर।बाकी सबकुछ ठीकठाक।हुकूमत और राष्ट्रव्यवस्था के अंतर्विरोधों की निर्मम चीरफाड़ नहीं है।

पाकिस्तानी ड्रामा प्यारे अफजल ने पाकिस्तान में कोहराम मचाया हुआ है और हाल में भारत में उसका प्रदर्शन भी काफी लोकप्रिय है।

वर्गीय दृष्टि से एकदम अलहदा प्रेमी प्रेमिका की प्रेम कहानी है जहां प्रेमी मरते दम तक कह नहीं पाता कि जो खत मुहब्बत के उसने खुद खुदको लिखे हैं बचपन से जवानी तक,वे उसी प्रेमिका को संबोधित है और बेपनाह मुहब्बत के बावजूद रईस प्रेमिका मौलवी के बेरोजगार गरीब बेटे से बुरा सलूक करती रहती है।जिस कारण वह कराची का सबसे बड़ा गुंडा बन जाता है।

यह ड्रामा इस बेपनाह मुहब्बत की बेचैनी और कारनामों का जखीरा है और इसे पेश भी किया गया है बिल्कुल उसीतरह।मनोवैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण से कहानी को निपटाया गया है और इसके साथ साथ पाकिस्तान में अपराध तंत्र माफिया तंत्र को बेरहमी से एक्सपोज कर दिया गया है।

यह ड्रामा प्रेम का रसायनशास्त्र जितना है उससे कहीं ज्यादा सियासती मजहब और मजहबी सियासत का किस्सा है तो उसका भौतिकी शास्त्र भी है।

कराची और लाहौर के साथ साथ अक्सरहां कश्मीर की सरजमीं पर केंद्रित पाकिस्तानी ड्रामा भी विदेशी कथा और जीवन शैली से बेतरह उतना ही प्रभावित है जैसा कि हमारी फिल्में और सीरियल।

प्यारे अफजल लेकिन विशुध पाकिस्तान की देशी कथा है।एकदम देशी प्रेमकथा है,जैसे देहात भारत में अब भी मुहब्बत का इकरार करना मुशिकल होता है।जिंदगी रीत जाती है लेकिन जुबान पर मुहब्बत के अलफाज आते नहीं है और जबतलक आते हैं,दुनिया जहां बदल जाती हैं।

इस ड्रामा के प्रदर्शन के सिलसिले में पाकिस्तान और भारत में भी मुहब्बत की इस दास्तां पर खासा जोर दिया गया है कि कैसे मामूली से नौजवान ने अपनी महबूबा का दिल जीत लिया और उसे फिर कहना पड़ा कि सारे खत उसीने लिखे हैं।

फिरभी भारत पाकिस्तान रिश्ते की तरह यह मुहब्बतनामा लहूलुहान है। निर्देशक ने करिश्मा यह किया है कि इसमें आपराधिक राष्ट्र को बेनकाब नंगा कर दिया है।

प्यारे अफजल

Pyaray Afzal.jpg


प्रेम, नाटक


खलील-उर-रहमान क़मर


नदीम बैग

शुरुआत 'थीम'

जाने वो कैसे लोग थे जिनके प्यार को प्यार मिला

प्रकरणों की संख्या



प्रसारण अवधि

40 मिनट


  • हमज़ा अली अब्बासी - अफजल

  • आइज़ा खान - फराह

  • साना जावेद - लुबना

  • सोहाई अली अबरों - यास्मीन

  • सबा हमीद - रुकय्य

  • फिरदौस जमाल - मोलवी सुभान'अल्लाह

  • सबा फाइसल - इरसा

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Farah ne kia mohabbat ka iqrar, Afzal ko mil gya uska bichara pyar... Kia anay wali hai dono ki zindagi mai hamesha k liye khushiyon ki bahar ? ;)

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New Drama serial Coming Soon on AryDigital " Pyare Afzal " Cast : Ayeza Khan ... Anushay Ababsi & " Pyare Afzal" Pyar ko Pyar Mila 1st Promo By ARY Digital ...

Pyaray Afzal Episode 26 FULL promo – ARY Digital, on Vimeo

Video for pyare afzal promo▶ 0:42 › Angela Hustam › Videos

May 27, 2014

Pyaray Afzal Episode 26 FULL promo – ARY Digital, Episode 26 FULL promo in high quality. Like Us On ...

pyare afzal title song - Video Dailymotion

प्यारे अफजल के लिए वीडियो▶ 3:16


Watch the video «pyare afzal title song» uploaded by putlitube on Dailymotion.

Pyare Afzal Song - Video Dailymotion

प्यारे अफजल के लिए वीडियो▶ 3:20

Watch the video «Pyare Afzal Song» uploaded by Entertainment Villa on Dailymotion.

Pyaray Afzal Episode 1 | Romantic Pakistan Drama | First ...

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Aug 24, 2015

Pyaray Afzal Episode 1 | Romantic Pakistan Drama | First Episode Full in HD Video by ARY Digital. Repost …

Pyarey Afzal last full episode 37 - YouTube

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Sep 1, 2015 - Uploaded by fix tree

Last episode of pyarey Afzal pakistani Drama. ... Pyaray AfzalEpisode 1 to Episode 5 | 480p | High Quality ...



KARACHI: After the annual 'Pakistani drama polls', drama serial 'Pyaray Afzal', which was aired on ARY digital tops the list of Pakistan's best drama of 2014.

'Pyaray Afzal', which was romantic drama serial got a huge rating on social media. This was stated that ' 'Pyaray Afzal' was women's  favorite drama.

The few dramas that stood out managed to showcase old stories with nuanced treatment and made us think beyond the binaries of black and white.

According to list, Pyaray Afzal stood first and Geo entertainment production 'Bashir Momin' got second position.

Another new channel which made an impact on the drama industry as a whole is the new Zee Zindagi channel from across the border. Introducing popular, high quality Pakistani dramas to the Indian masses, Zee Zindagi gave a new lease of life to many older serials like Humsafar, Durre Shehwar and Aunn Zara winning our artists, writers and directors millions of new fans.

The drama serial grabbed all the awards under television category at 14th Lux Style Awards.



Recipient(s) and nominee(s)



Lux Style Awards

Best Television Play



Best Television Director

Nadeem Baig


Best Television Actor

Hamza Ali Abbasi


Firdous Jamal


Best Television Actress

Ayeza Khan


Saba Hameed


Best Television Writer

Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar


Official promo:The power of words is a wonderful thing. It can melt a frozen heart, unite lovers, and mend pain. Pyarey Afzal is a heart touching story of a young man's struggle, to win the woman of his dreams. using words to paint canvases of love and affection. He expresses his desires in letters, but keeps them a secret. but when a conflict arises between families, the young man is forced to leave his home, a situation that exposes his hidden letters to everyone, including the woman of his affections.

Pyarey Afzal or Pyaare Afzal (Urdu: پیارے افضل‎) ( English: Dear Afzal) is aPakistani romantic drama serial that aired on ARY Digital, directed by Nadeem Baig, written by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and production of Six Sigma Entertainment. The drama was first aired on 26 November 2013 starring Hamza Ali Abbasi and Ayeza Khan in lead roles while had its ending episode on 12 August 2014 in various cinema screens and became first one to do so.[1][2]

Pyaray Afzal won many people's choice awards from Dawn readers in 2014.[3]Pyaray Afzal also aired in India on Zindagi Channel with the same name. TheExpress Tribune stated that Indian viewers liked "The script, dialogue delivery, background score and overall finesse " and created a lot of social media response.

Rarely does Hamza Ali Abbasi manage to steal hearts, but his drama PyaareAfzal has garnered much love from audiences across the border with his inimitable performance.

The Pakistani drama — a huge hit in Pakistan — has been aired on Indian TV channel Zindagi TV. India seems to be smitten by Afzal played by Hamza, as they pour their love for him on Twitter.

Written by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and directed by Nadeem Baig — the story revolves around a carefree man Afzal Subhanallah who is the only son of Maulvi Subhanallah.

He falls in love with Farah (Ayeza Khan), a rich mill owner's daughter, and asks for her hand in marriage. Considering his carefree attitude, the parents refused and a heartbroken Afzal leaves Hyderabad and moves to Karachi. Soon, he becomes caught up with the wrong people and becomes an infamous gangster working for the government.

Due to its immense popularity, the last episode of the romantic drama was screened in various cinemas across the country and became the first TV serial to hit the big screen.

Afzal Subhan (Hamza Ali Abbasi) is the only son of Maulvi Subhanallah (Firdous Jamal). Afzal loves to play cricket in the streets and also gambles which his father despises and gets him in trouble with his father. Afzal secretly has a crush on Farah Ibrahim (Aiza Khan) the rich mill owner's daughter. Afzal receives letters from a girl named Farah which he reads in front of his friends, although he refuses to disclose the name of the girl who writes him letters. Farah on the other hand is getting married to Mahtab, a family friend. Farah along with her sister Lubna (Sana Javed) hire Afzal to be Farah's love interest so that Farah can get out of the marriage. As soon as Farah's wedding with Mahtaab is cancelled Afzal is supposed to leave Farah too. However Afzal instead of breaking their pretend relationship as per their initial plan, comes to Farah's house along with his parents for Farah's proposal. Farah humiliates and insults Afzal. Heartbroken, Afzal leaves Hyderabad for Karachi.

Afzal arrives in Karachi where he lives in a rented room. The house is owned by a woman and her daughter Yasmeen (Sohai Ali Abro). Afzal becomes good friends with Babu Hameed, his roommate. Afzal witnesses an incident in which Wali, Yasmeen's gangster cousin harasses her to marry him. Afzal has a fight with Wali and eventually Wali loses to Afzal. Wali vows to take revenge from Afzal for the humiliation he suffered at Afzal's hand. He along with his men comes and shoots Afzal. At the same time in Hyderabad Afzal's family is worried and upset because he has left without telling anyone. Farah becomes somewhat obsessed with Afzal, repeatedly mentioning him in her conversations. Lubna Farah's sister suspects that Farah is in love with Afzal but Farah denies her sister's accusation. Farah along with her father goes to Karachi in order to search for him. When they arrive they find that Afzal has been shot but has luckily survived. Yasmeen is moved by what Afzal has done for her and realizes that she is in love with Afzal. Upon meeting Farah she starts getting insecure. Wali taking advantage of Afzal's absence comes to Yasmeen's house again. Babu Hameed attempts to shoot Wali but gets shot instead. Afzal receives the news of Babu Hameed's death and decides to take revenge from Wali. Afzal's parents came to Karachi in order to meet him but he runs away before they reach. He along with his fellows kills Wali.

Afzal has become an infamous gangster who works for the government. His father deeply disappointed by the fact that Afzal has turned out this way disowns him. Meanwhile Farah's psychologist Sibtain comes to Farah's home for her proposal and expresses his desire to marry her. Farah reluctantly agrees. However she still cannot help obsessing over Afzal, upset that he might be with yasmeen. Farah decides to get engaged with Sibtain. Afzal hears about it and decides to get engaged with Yasmeen on the same day. Yasmeen and Afzal get engaged but Farah's engagement ceremony is brought to a halt when Maulvi Subhanallah suddenly has a heartattack. Afzal hears about his father's condition and heads back to Hyderabad with Yasmeen. Afzal's parents are initially reluctant to accept him but Yasmeen settles their issues and Afzal's relationship with his parents is smoothed out. Afzal receives a call from the people he worked for. Afzal tells them that he no longer wants to be a murderer. He wants to play cricket in the streets of Hyderabad.

Farah enraged that Afzal has gotten engaged with yasmeen, decided to marry Sibtain. Lubna reveals to Farah that Sibtain was not really interested in Farah but was giving her a shock treatment so she would accept her feelings for Afzal. Yasmeen is curious about the Farah who writes letters to Afzal. Afzal, unable to express his feelings to Farah had written letters from Farah to himself. Yasmeen goes to Farah and confronts her. She realizes that Farah is also in love with Afzal. She breaks her engagement with Afzal and decides to go back. Lubna tells Farah that she will marry Sibtain. Both families are happy to know the truth and decide to proceed with the wedding as soon as possible. Afzal, meanwhile, takes Yasmeen back to Karachi. On their way to Karachi Yasmeen tells Afzal that Farah loves him. When they reach Karachi, Afzal asks Yasmeen if he can come inside her house. Yasmeen, in her usual style says that if Afzal steps inside, he might fall for Yasmeen. She tells Afzal to call Farah and tell her he loves her and then Yasmeen will forgive Afzal. After he reaches Hyderabad he gets shot by some policemen and talks to Farah for the last time and dies.

Pyare Afzal ARY Full Drama Review

imagesI haven't gotten down to reviewing any serial in a really long time and the landscape seems to have changed. The likes of Faysal Qureshi and Fahad Mustafa seem to have been taken over by newcomers like Hamza Ali Abbassi and Junaid Khan that leave the girls swooning.

Hamza's claim to fame is Pyare Afzal that got him immese popularity thanks to his good looks. But is there more to this serial than Hamza? Read on to find out.

Pyare Afzal, ARY's presentation, is the story of Afzal (Hamza),  the song of a maulana, who is into bad habits and makes the mistake of falling in love with a girl Farha (Ayeza Khan) who doesn't return the favor causing him to leave his city and move to Karachi for greener pastures but ultimately his past comes knocking the door.

The story sounds simple on paper like most love stories but there is too much woven into it. The most beautiful thing is that the write (Khalil ur Rehman Qamar) creates a world that is unique and real. Characters behave exactly how they are. You can easily differentiate between a Karachi-wala and a Hyderabad-wala.

However, the bad thing is that there are some tracks that did not need. The story starts off well and you take an immense liking to the blooming love of Afzal and Farha and the twists that come keep you hooked. Yet, as the story moves to Karachi it takes a backseat. I wonder why the writer had to incorporate the goons track? The whole goon angle does nothing for the drama or the character. If it was to show as the reason why Afzal stays away from home or his parents hate him, the writer could've been more unique.

Still, some portions in Karachi work, like the track with Yasmin because every moment you wonder where this one is going. But again, some characters leave you confused as Farha's sister (Lubna, Sana Javed) who by the time story takes a U-turn is sidelined doing nothing. Moreover, the psychiatrist track again wasn't needed as the writer had the option of reincorporating Farha's old fiancé. So many questions and no answers. This is surprising coming from the writer who is known for closing his serials quickly whereas this one went for a really long time that too without a reason.

Yet, you still stay glued mainly due to the beautiful direction (Nadeem Baig) and dialogues. The production values could've been better cause the serial lacks the grandeur feel. He creates an aura and excels great performances but I would say this is more of a writer's victory than director's because what you see is mostly conceived by the writer in this scenario and Nadeem doesn't show his own versatility.

The overall feel is very novelistic and even though one may not use these dialogues in real life, they work because you are lost in a world of your own. Plus, this is one of the very few serials in recent times that talk of passionate romance and you look at feelings grow from Farha's to Yasmeen's. You kind of get lost in the world of the characters cause  they are real. The OST, janay who kaisay log, even though not new does leave an impact.

As for acting, people are raving about Hamza Ali Abbasi but one actor that takes the cake here is Firdous Jamal as Moulvi Subhan'Allah. His mannerism, dialogue delivery everything is great. Actually, in almost every situation you wait for what will come out of his mouth, he is that good. One of the best written characters ever. Now, the lead, Hamza Ali Abbasi, is no doubt a good looking guy but as an actor he still has a long way to go. He looks like a hero but in the acting department looks weak in comparison to stronger actors. His dialogue delivery often gets very repetitive with the mono tone and he is kind of weak in emotional scenes as well, crying is not something he can do. This looks even stronger cause he is pitted against some great talent in some brilliantly written scenes. Yet, there is no denying that he has improved in comparison to his last few performances.

Aiza Khan looks breathtaking and her styling is to the point, this is the most pretty she has looked onscreen in a really long time. As an actor, the role required a great actor because the character goes through so much and even though Aiza tries, she couldn't do it to the T and leaves a little desired. The problem is the same again, she is pitted against powerful performers and often comes out weak. Even in confrontation scenes against her own sister. Sana Javed takes the cake who is turning into a powerhouse of a performer. Her role may become minor eventually but she sparks the screen whenever she appears.

Saba Hameed's role is an extension of what she did in Khalil ur Rehman's Manjali. She plays it beautifully but the role is boring cause she has done the exact same thing before. We just wish someone else could've done this. Don't get me wrong, Saba isn't bad at all, but she has done this before. Sohai Ali Abro acts well as well and so does Anoushey Abbassi. She shows maturity that very few actors of her age have and this girl can be great in supporting roles.

Other cast from Shehryar Zaidi to Vasay Chaudhry is excellent. It won't be state that this one has one of the most well-chosen cast and congratulatons to the director for that.

Overall, Pyare Afzal is one of the most powerful dramas of these days. It has a story to tell and it gets you absorbed; however, the mid portion when the focus shifts to Karachi and the whole goon track is not needed and one wonders why it was done. Still, it is a great watch thanks to incredible dialogues, great execution, fine chemistry between the actors, revitalizing love and powerful acting. A winner!



Review By: Taify

Some Wonderful Dialogues of Super Hit Drama "PYARAY AFZAL"


2014 is just coming to an end so I thought to give a small tribute to super hit Drama of 2014 "Pyaray Afzal". This was not just the drama but an emotional attachment, a roller coaster ride and an unforgettable Journey. Every scene every episode was a visual treat to watch. This drama had truly expressed the meaning of love and the deep reality of human relationship.

Poor Afzal he was shot dead when Farah finally embraced his love and actually wrote letter to him but missing Pyaray Afzal doesn't mean that I am only missing Afzal, how can we forget bubbly Yasmeen, Responsible Aarfa, Stylish Lubna, Confused Farah, Tensed Ruqqaiya( Wife of Maulvi Subhanallah), Respected Maulvi Subhanallah and brave Babu Hameed.

Pyaray Afzal took us all by Storm and it was not only popular in Pakistan but all around the globe, I have to admit that it is the highest quality drama produced by Humayun Saeed's production and indeed it will took many years now for ARY or any other channel to telecast such Gem again.

Round of Applause for Khalil ur Rehman for penning down this amazing story and dialogues

So let's remember Pyaray Afzal through some great dialogues of this drama:

Pyare Afzal Drama 050

"Meri Auqaat nahi hai ke mein Farah se Muhabbat kar sakun lekin us se Muhabbat karne ka Haq hai mujhe"– Afzal

"Muhabbat ko ghussa ajaina Farah to tum jeson ko bhi hojaati hai"– Lubna

"Jab koi Naya Naya Musalman hota hai to kuch zayada hi Musalman hota hai"– Lubna

"Mere abba kaha karte thay ke mardon mein se asal mard ko phechaana aisa hai jese saare tarboozon mein se lal tarbooz phechaana"– Sheikh Ibrahim

"Dil ki Saari baatein dil walon ke pass amanat hoti hain aur who amanat mein khayanat nahi kya karte"– Afzal

"Mein Maulvi Subhanallah ka beta hun Wali aur who mujhe bataya karte that ke maut Zindagi ki hifazat karti hai is se mat darna zindagi se darna yeh wahan maarti hai jahan paani bhi nahi milta"– Afzal

"Pata hai yeh goli mujhe pheli baar nahi lagi aik goli mujhe Hyderabad mein bhi lagi thi dil ko cheerkar nikal gai thi mene khud operation kiya tha khud taanke lagai thay magar toota hua dil zayada solid nahi hota sirf zinda rakhne ke liye kaam ata hai"– Afzal

"Mera naam badal diya jai Abba mujhe nahi pata yahan Afzal kon hai jo begunhai mein maare jaate hain ya jinko mene maara hai"– Afzal

"Farah ke sirf moun per ghussa hota hai andar se to who bilkul mombatti hai zara si aanch dikhao pighal jai gi" – Lubna

"Muhabbat agar cricket hoti to mein jeet gaya hota"– "Afzal

"Is tarah milo jese bin bulaye gham se milte hain, pass bulaya dil mein rakha aur phir kaha tumhaari to aisi ki taisi"– Lubna

"Jaag jao Farah is keemat per ke tumne kayion ki neendein haram kardi hain"– Yasmeen

"Yeh akhri akhri badtameeziyan hain pyaray phir tum kahan aur mein kahan"– Yasmeen

"Marne se dar nahi lagta yaar magar jeene ka buhat dil karta hai"– Babu Hameed

babu hameed

"Tumhaari Kasam Afzal chahe uske gham mein jalte rehna magar in khaton ko nahi jalana"– Yasmeen

"Apko kasam hai meri shadi hojai to dua nahi dijiyega mera naam le kar khaiyega jao Farah humne tumhe maaf kya"– Farah

"Main Afzal ban jaata lekin mujhe koi batai to sahi ke Afzal aisa hota hai"– Afzal

Now some funny Dialogues:

"Mein tumhaara baap hun Farah koi channe bechne wala nahi"– Sheikh Ibrahim

"Khat kyn likhongi phone mene mirchein peesne ke liye thori rakha hai"– Lubna

This is my favourite one

"Mehboob ke sar ke aagey behen ka sar tarbooz hota hai"– Lubna

Hence these are the only dialogues that I remember, so do you guys remember anymore amazing dialogues? if yes then please do share :-)

Director: Nadeem Baig

Writer: Not Available

Cast: Hamza Ali Abbasi, Aiza Khan, Saba Hameed, Firdous Jamal, Sana Javed, Saba Faisal, Anoushey Abbasi and Sheryar Zaidi.


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Pyarey Afzal »

Pyarey Afzal- Last Episode Review (Episode 37)

Pyarey Afzal- Last Episode Review (Episode 37)


Pyaar agar pyaar se kuch ziada ho, toh kya hota hai? When life throws you a curve ball how do you deal with it? Do you try to run away? Find someone to blame?

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 36 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 36 Review


This episode was the perfect prelude to the much-anticipated finale next week. Yasmeen finally uncovered the mystery surrounding the letters- usney pyaar karney ka dosra rasta dhoond liya- wohh tumhari taraf se Afzal ko

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 35 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 35 Review


Pyarey Afzal happens to be one of those rare gems that forces me to stop doing whatever it is I may be tempted to do and give it my undivided attention. I may sound

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 34 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 34 Review


From start to end, this episode was flawless. The dialogues, the execution, the sparing use of background music, the actors par excellence, could this possibly be the greatest drama bar none? We are nothing

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 33 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 33 Review


Jo tumharey liye tarpey, tum toh ussey tarpa hi detey ho! Afzal can't help it; he has that kind of effect on people- everyone around him inadvertently falls in love with him. His parents

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 26 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 26 Review


Aaj ki raat khairiyat se katt gayi toh subha koi achi khabar milegi… But that was not meant to be! With revenge on his mind, Afzal went ahead and settled the score- an eye

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 25 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 25 Review


You know you've got it bad when you start adjusting your schedule around your favorite drama. This has been my struggle since the past few weeks. With no end in sight (not that I'm

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 24 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 24 Review


What a medley this is turning out to be! Chance meetings, confrontations, showdowns, just about everything rolled into 40 odd minutes. Farah and Yasmeen finally came face-to-face and fortunately neither of them went home

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 23 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 23 Review


As exasperating as it was to wait a whole week for tonight's episode, I'm relieved to report that there were no casualties! With two shots fired at point-blank range, I'll attribute the sloppy shooting

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 22 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 22 Review


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. BANG. BANG. Today's episode made me squeal with excitement and then took my breath away. The pace was perfect- there was so much that transpired and the story is

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 21 Review


Lubna's confession has piqued Farah's curiosity and has brought out the green-eyed monster. By now, we had established that Farah was almost on her way to the madhouse due to her unexplainable temper tantrums

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 20 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 20 Review


Bow chika wow wow! So our fearless Yasmeen is coming on strong and poor Afzal has no idea what just hit him. All those mehmaan nawaaziyan aren't in vain- this girl is on a

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 19 Review


So it's clear now that Bollywood is here to stay! Last week we had a tryst with 80s flavour and this week we were treated to Legen — wait for it… …Dary action sequences

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 18 Review


Today's episode was a tribute to some of Bollywood's iconic moments- Arifa's "Hamarey paas maa Afzal hai"; Afzal's retort to the hiring manager who suggested he could work as a security guard and

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 32 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 32 Review


Jo rula sakta hai who impress bhi karsakta hai! Could there be a more precise description of our nishaaney-baaz Afzal? Farah uses the analogy of target killing to disclose the news of Afzal's engagement

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 31 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 31 Review


Round and round in circles we go, clutching at successes we never grasp, endlessly tripping over the same old failures. Truly, life is the misery we endure between disappointments… yet another episode that managed

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 30 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 30 Review


The ramblings of our perennially befuddled Farah Ibraheem continue. Today's focus was on her mangni ki anghooti– she rejected the one sent by Sabtain and promised her mom she won't cause a commotion on

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 29 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 29 Review


As much as I tune in for Afzal, today's episode had Yasmeen stealing everyone's thunder. What a fantastic actress she has turned out to be! The ease with which she speaks makes it hard

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Pyarey Afzal- Episode 28 Review

Pyarey Afzal- Episode 28 Review


Can anyone possibly look better than Hamza Ali Abbasi in a suit? If this is what a gangster looks like, I wouldn't be surprised if girls start fantasizing about the prospect of marrying one!

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