Sustain Humanity

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Subject: Facebook account of Dilip C Mandal

Subject: Facebook account of Dilip C Mandal

I hope tat our friends would take care of the content.Amalendu already posted it on Hastakshep and I would post it later.We all stand united for right to expression.

I may feel your pain as I am not only a friend.I am your blood brother.I am deeply hurt that not only your blog is hacked,our Anuradha is humiliated,insulted after death.I am really bleeding in pain for the brave heart. 

I had always been against martyrdom as it always ends in hero worship in iconic ways and it solves not our problem nor it serves our cause.Let us win the battle and take the challenge.

It should be understood that enemies should opt for everything to crush us and as they happen to be most coward devoid of ethics,morality and humanity,they would always attack under the belt.It is that easy.

I have pleaded to rise over every color and identities whatsoever.I am an atheist but I respect the right to religion as the majority people are deprived of every right and no right happens to be fundamental or constitutional in a hegemonial regime of blatant fascism.

Woman is a soft target and Dr BR Ambedkar decoded the SHUDRA status of woman in India irrespective of her identity.No woman in fact happens to be the part of hegemony.Even Indira Gandhi,the most strong woman this geopolitics has ever produced,was spared.
Woman is reduced as a SEX Toy and hereby I always had been endorsing the Taslima Revolt irrelevant to her role to assist fascism and open market,most ironically.

Taslima is most targeted just because of her revolt against the patriarchal society .We have so many women who happen to be atheist even in Bangladesh wherefrom she has been exiled.

I am not that bothered about any damned blocking as they might not block us as no scream might be subjected to repression.If they have got the technology against us,we must use that very technology against them.

If they have blocked one blog,one site,one ID which they would certainly do as we do live under such a governance of racial fascism all over the geopolitics across border that no one is allowed to dream for any change whatsoever.

Equality and Justice remain very very tough destination.we might not afford losing heart or courage as it always had been the question of survival against absolute power.

I pity those whoever brand a woman with identity whatsoever in an absolute patriarchal society.

It had never been a cake walk for us.We might not afford glass houses which should be devastated in any attack.

I would like to see my brother and friend as brave as the lady who shared life with you and won cancer what if she succumbed to cancer at last.

For the time being blogger does not allow me to post your write up or this comment as it considers me a ROBOT every other time while often my mail IDs are deactivated and blogs removed.

Technology is always hazardous.It is a war of creativity which it always had been.As your brother and friend I wold like to see you rather that creative to defeat the element of fascism.
Palash Biswas

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