Sustain Humanity

Monday, June 8, 2015

Maximum Propaganda, Minimum Performance

Press Communiqué

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met at New
Delhi on June 6-7, 2015. It has issued the following statement:

One year of BJP Government:

Maximum Propaganda, Minimum Performance

Contrary to the propaganda that the BJP government has unleashed on the
completion of one year in office, the livelihood conditions of the vast
majority of the Indian people are actually declining.  The massive hikes in
the prices of petroleum products in the background of the fall in the
international price of crude oil is fuelling all-round inflation,
particularly of food items and essential commodities.

Economic Turn Around: False Claims

Soon after assuming office, the Central government has changed the basis for
the calculation for National Income Accounts. According to this new formula,
the GDP has been projected at 7.3 per cent. However, even with this new
formula, the growth during October-December 2014 has now been revised
downwards to 6.6 per cent from the earlier claim of 7.5 per cent, exposing
the falsification of its own earlier claims.

This new formula has estimated the growth of the manufacturing sector as
being 7.1 percent for 2014-15. The index of industrial production data
however shows that the factory output in the country was only 2.3 per cent.
The final private consumption expenditure, a gauge to measure household
spending, grew at 6.3 per cent as against 6.2 per cent last year. The
investment rate in the economy has not grown as claimed. Gross fixed capital
formation reflecting investment rate is 30 per cent, down from 30.7 per cent
last year. Further, output of 8 core industries contracted by 0.4 per cent
compared to 5.7 per cent growth last year. Therefore, both investment and
demand have stagnated. Consequently, the unemployment situation has

Notwithstanding the hype of `Make in India', foreign investment both in the
equity markets and direct production has declined.

The agrarian distress continues to deepen. Following the drought last kharif
season, unseasonal rains and hailstorms damaged standing crops in nearly two
crore hectares in various parts of the country. The weather forecast for
this year predicts an inadequate monsoon.

The BJP government has reneged on its promise of giving remunerative MSP to
farmers. The kisans are finding it difficult to make both ends meet, leading
to an increase of 26 per cent in the spate of distress farmers suicides.

The recent unprecedented heat-wave deaths across the country are also linked
to the withdrawal of the MNREGA. The work generated in 2014-15 was at least
60 per cent less than earlier.  The government is yet to announce any
compensation or relief to affected families. The release of foodgrains under
the public distribution system declined, virtually negating the assurances
given in the Food Security Act.

The services sector which was rapidly growing in recent years, is seeing a
fall in the basic index that is used to measure its growth, during the last
three months.

Thus, all the three sectors of the economy - industry, agriculture and
services - are in a deep crisis.

Sharpening Communal Polarisation

During this year, the real agenda of the RSS in unleashing vicious communal
attacks has been patronised by this BJP government in all spheres.
Campaigns of `ghar vapsi', `love jihad' etc, and the efforts to replace
syncretic Indian history with Hindu mythology continue.  Key RSS people are
appointed to various crucial positions in academic institutions. Growth of
rabid intolerance is reflected in the latest incident at IIT Madras.  No
action has been taken on any Cabinet minister or MP/MLAs who continue to
spew venomous hate speeches across the country. Communal tensions are
erupting across the country, the latest being the riots that took place in
Atali, Ballabgarh, in the National Capital Region.

Deteriorating Centre-State Relations

During this period, Centre-State relations are deteriorating with the
appointment of leading RSS/BJP politicians as Governors of the states. In
Delhi, the elected state government and the Centre, through the office of
the Lieutenant Governor, are logged in a bitter battle over appointments of
officers. In the North East, the Chief Ministers of all the states have
sought to meet the PM to air their concerns over the transfer of central
funds for development, particularly after the Planning Commission has ceased
to exist. The PM has reportedly not found time for this so far.

Attacks on Parliamentary Democracy

During this year, the BJP government has been systematically undermining
parliamentary procedures by seeking to bypass the Rajya Sabha where it does
not have a majority. Nearly 50 legislations were enacted without reference
to the Standing Committees, using its majority in the Lok Sabha.

The BJP government has re-promulgated the Ordinance amending the Land
Acquisition Act for the third time, even when a Joint Parliamentary
Committee has begun examining these amendments. This is unprecedented.

The CPI(M) has published a booklet exposing this one year of the BJP
government titled `Ek Saal Bura Haal'.

CPI(M)'s Campaign Call

Many kisan organizations have together launched a struggle under the banner
Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan (Movement for Land Rights) against the amendments to
the Land Acquisition Act. CPI(M) units all across the country will extend
support to the programmes of this movement.

The Central Trade Unions have given a call for an all-India general strike
on September 2 against the attacks on the working class and the longstanding
rights earned by it through struggles.  The CPI(M) Central Committee
extended its full support to this general strike and all programmes leading
up to it.

The Central Committee has decided to organize nationwide protests on various
burning issues affecting the rural people as a result of this deepening
agrarian distress from August 1 to 14.  All units of the CPI(M) will launch
struggles, all across the country, during this fortnight on specific local

This campaign fortnight, apart from struggles on the burning local issues,
will highlight the drastic cuts in MNREGA allocation, the undermining of the
food security commitments by the Central government, mobilizing support for
the ongoing kisan struggles and the all India general strike on September 2.

West Bengal

Braving the politics of terror, intimidation and threats by the Trinamool
Congress, the CPI(M) has in the recent municipal elections, for the first
time since the 2009 parliamentary elections, arrested the decline in its
electoral support base. The wresting of the municipality in Siliguri is
significant. Wherever the people have effectively resisted such politics of
terror and brazen rigging in the elections, democracy has triumphed.


The Central Committee congratulated the people of Tripura on the historic
CPI(M) victory in the recently-concluded Tripura Autonomous District Council
in the state. The Central Committee hailed the decision of the Tripura Left
Front government to withdraw the AFSPA in the state.

Harkishan Singh Surjeet

Birth Centenary Observations

The Central Committee decided to observe the birth centenary of Comrade
Surjeet on the basis of the resolution adopted at the 21st Congress, by all
its units across the country culminating on his birthday, March 23, 2016. In
the current context, Com. Surjeet's role in the fight against communalism
and other expressions of fundamentalism will be highlighted.

Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund

The CPI(M) units all across the country collected a total of Rs. 3,25,86,871
equivalent to Nepali Rs. 5,21,38,993.60 as the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund.
The highlight of this fund collection is the Kerala unit's collection of Rs.
2,84,89,853. This amount will be handed over by the General Secretary to the
President and Prime Minister of Nepal on June 10, 2015 at Kathmandu.

Organisational Plenum

The Central Committee decided to convene the All India Organisational Plenum
of the Party, as mandated by its 21st Congress, in Kolkata towards the end
of this year. The details of the dates and venue will be finalised

Division of Responsibilities

The Central Committee allocated individual responsibilities to its members
and formed various sub-committees to strengthen collective functioning,
which is the hallmark of the CPI(M)'s organisational methods. The Central
Committee decided on the editors of the Central Party organs –

The Marxist -- Sitaram Yechury; People's Democracy -- Prakash Karat; and Lok
Lehar -- Rajendra Sharma

Central Secretariat

The Central Committee elected a six-member Secretariat headed by the General
Secretary and consisting of Hari Singh Kang, Nilotpal Basu, V. Srinivasa
Rao, Jogendra Sharma and Dr. Ashok Dhawale.

Central Discipline Commission

The Central Committee elected a four-member Central Discipline Commission
consisting of S. Ramachandran Pillai (Chairperson), Madan Ghosh, V.
Srinivasa Rao and U. Vasuki.

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