Sustain Humanity

Friday, July 31, 2015

Great victory for Anganwadi Workers' Movement in Delhi - DSAWHU statement

Dear All,
The anganwadi workers strike won an emphatic victory after 23 days of dharna and 7 days of indefinite hunger strike. Here is the statement of the union and pics of victory meeting, victory march and the copies of agreement signed by Delhi Government's CM and secretary of Women and Child Development Ministry.

Kindly, give it some space on your website/journal/magazine/newspaper as its news will boost the morale of workers struggling everywhere. 

With Regards,

Shivani: 9599458044
Delhi State Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Union

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Warm Invitation for Conference on 02 Aug 2015


Raj Narayan
Convener, Janhit Abhiyan
New Delhi, India

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ઇરાક અને સિરિયામાં આતંક મચાવ્યા બાદ ISISની નજર ભારત પર

 ઇરાક અને સિરિયામાં આતંક મચાવ્યા બાદ ISISની નજર ભારત પર
દુનિયાભરમાં ખુન-ખારાબા અને ખૌફનો આતંક ફેલાવનાર અબૂ બક્ર અલ બગદાદીના ટાર્ગેટ પર હવે ભારત છે. ISIS હવે ભારતમાં પોતાનું નેટવર્ક ફેલાવી રહ્યાં છે. અંગ્રેજી અખબાર 'મેલ ટુડે'એ ખુલાસો કરતા જણાવ્યું છે કે આતંકવાદી સંગઠન ભારત અને વિદેશમાં રહેતા મુસ્લિમોને જેહાદ અને પૈસાની લાલચ આપીને આતંકવાદી બનાવી રહ્યાં છે. ભારતમાં બગદાદી ઉભી કરી રહ્યો છે મોટી ફૌજ ઇસ્લામને ન માનનારા લોકોને નાસ્તિક ગણાવી તેમનું સર કલમ કરનાર બગદાદીનું ખાસ મનોરંજનુ સાધન છે. પરંતુ ભારતમાં ખુન-ખરાબા કરવા માટે બગદાદી સિરિયા અને ઇરાકથી પોતાના લડવૈયા નહી મોકલે પરંતુ ભારતના જ લોકોને ઉશ્કેરી પોતાના માટે મોટી ફૌજ તૈયાર કરવાનું કાવતરૂ ઘડી રહ્યો છે. તે ભારતના યુવાનોને ફોસલાવીને આતંકના રસ્તે ઘકેલવાની ફિરાકમાં છે. આવી રીતે ISIS ભારતમાં ફેલાવી રહ્યો છે નેટવર્ક ઇન્ટેલિજન્સ એજન્સીઓએ ગત વર્ષે તેલંગણાના લગભગ 17 યુવાનોની અટકાયત કરી હતી જે તુર્કી થઇને સિરિયા જઇને ISISમાં જોડાવવાની ફિરાકમાં હતા. આ યુવાનોમાંથી એક હૈદરાબાદ નિવાસી યુવાન મુસૈબએ (નામ બદલ્યું છે) 'મેલ ટુડે'ને આપેલા ઇન્ટરવ્યૂવમાં જણાવ્યું કે ભારતમાં ISISના બે સંચાલક ગુજરાતના રહેવાસી છે. આ ઉપરાંત સાઉદી અરેબિયા અને અફઘાનિસ્તાનમાં રહેતા કેટલાક ભારતીય પણ આતંકવાદી સંગઠનમાં જોડાવવા માટે મુસ્લિમ યુવાનોનું બ્રેન વોશ કરી રહ્યાં છે. તેમાથી એક હતો ઇન્ડિયન મુઝાહિદ્દીનના આતંકવાદી સુલતાન અરમર શાહ, જે ISIS તરફ લડતા માર્યો ગયો. મુસૈબ અને તેના ત્રણ અન્ય મિત્રોએ જણાવ્યું કે કેવી રીતે ઇન્ટરનેટ થકી આતંકવાદીઓ યુવાનોનો સંપર્ક કરે છે અને તેમને સિરિયા પહોંચાડવાનો બંદોબસ્ત પણ કરે છે. તેમણે જણાવ્યું કે તેમણે દુબઇથઇ 53 હજાર રૂપિયા અને યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમથી એક લાખ રૂપિયા મોકલાવ્યા હતા. ISISના 70-75 કાર્યકર્તા પર ઇન્ટેલિજન્સની બાજ નજર ISISના દરેક ટ્વીટર એકાઉન્ટની જાણ ઇન્ટેલિજન્સને જાણ છે અને તેના પર બાજ નજર પણ છે. જો કે તેમના નામનો ખુલાસો કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી. પરંતુ સુત્રો અનુસાર દિલ્હી, સૂરત અને જમ્મુ-કાશ્મીરના કેટલાક અલગાવવાદિઓ પર તેમની ચાંપતી નજર છે. વળી ઇન્ડિયન મુજાહિદ્દીનના પણ કેટલાય આતંકવાદી ISISના આતંકવાદીઓના સંપર્કમાં છે. ઇન્ટેલિજન્સ એજન્સીઓએ ISISના આતંકવાદીઓ ભારતમાં ઘૂષણખોરી કરી હોવાના સમચાર મળ્યા છે. તેમાં તેલંગણા, આંધ્ર પ્રદેશ, મહારાષ્ટ્રસ પશ્ચિમ બંગાળ, ઉત્તર પ્રદેશ, દિલ્હી, બિહાર, જમ્મુ-કાશ્મીર અને તામિલનાડુ અત્યંત સંવેદનશીલ છે.

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મધરાતે મળી આઝાદી; ૧૪૦૦૦ બાંગ્લાદેશી ભારતીય બન્યા

મધરાતે મળી આઝાદી; ૧૪૦૦૦ બાંગ્લાદેશી ભારતીય બન્યા
કોલકાતા: ગઈ શુક્ર-શનિવારની મધરાત હજારો લોકો માટે આઝાદી લઈને આવી છે. નાગરિકતા માટે તરસી રહેલા હજારો એન્ક્લેવ (ક્ષેત્ર) રહેવાસીઓ હવે ભારતીય બની ગયા છે. ભારત-બાંગ્લાદેશ વચ્ચે ભૂમિ સમજૂતી (લેન્ડ ડીલ)ને કારણે આ શક્ય બન્યું છે. આ હજારો લોકોને ભારતીય નાગરિકત્વ આપવાનું કામ શરૂ પણ કરી દેવામાં આવ્યું છે. હાલ ભૂતપૂર્વ રાષ્ટ્રપતિ ડો. અબ્દુલ કલામના નિધનને કારણે સાત-દિવસનો રાષ્ટ્રીય શોક હોઈ ભારત-બાંગ્લાદેશ એન્ક્લેવ એક્સચેન્જ અમલીકરણનો કોઈ સત્તાવાર ઊજવણી કાર્યક્રમ યોજાયો નથી, પણ ગઈ મધરાતે ૧૨.૦૧ વાગતા જ ઉત્સાહિત લોકોએ ફટાકડા ફોડ્યા હતા અને આનંદ વ્યક્ત કર્યો હતો. ભારતીય બનતાં હજારો લોકોએ ખુશી વ્યક્ત કરી ભારતીય બનતાં હજારો લોકોએ ખુશી વ્યક્ત કરી ભારત-બાંગ્લાદેશ વચ્ચે વસાહતોની આપ-લેની સમજૂતી મુજબ ૫૧,૦૦૦ ગરીબ વસાહતીઓને ૬૮ વર્ષ બાદ તેમનો પોતાનો દેશ, નાગરિકત્વ મળ્યા છે. અત્યાર સુધી તેઓ દેશવિહોણા લોકો તરીકે રહેતા હતા. હવેથી ભારતીય ભૂમિ પરના ૫૧ બાંગ્લાદેશી એન્કલેવમાં રહેતા ૧૪,૦૦૦ લોકો અને બાંગ્લાદેશની ધરતી પરના ૧૧૧ ભારતીય એન્કલેવમાં રહેતા બીજા ૩૭,૦૦૦ લોકોને દેશ પ્રાપ્ત થયો છે. ભારત-બાંગ્લાદેશ એન્ક્લેવ એક્સચેન્જ કોઓર્ડિનેશન કમિટીએ પશ્ચિમ બંગાળના કૂચ બિહારના માસલદાંગા એન્ક્લેવમાં ગઈ રાતે આતશબાજી કરી હતી. ઉત્સાહિત લોકોએ ભારતનો રાષ્ટ્રીય ધ્વજ ફરકાવ્યો હતો. દિલ્હીમાં, વિદેશ મંત્રાલયે એક નિવેદનમાં કહ્યું કે ૩૧ જુલાઈ ભારત-બાંગ્લાદેશ, બંને માટે ઐતિહાસિક દિવસ છે. આ દિવસે એ જટિલ પ્રશ્ને સમાધાન થયું જે આઝાદી બાદ વિલંબમાં હતું. ભારતે ૫૧ એન્ક્લેવ બાંગ્લાદેશને સુપરત કર્યા છે જ્યારે આ પડોશી દેશે લગભગ ૧૧૧ એન્ક્લેવ ભારતને સોંપી દીધા છે. હવેથી આ બાંગ્લાદેશી એન્ક્લેવ ભારતનો ભાગ થઈ ગયા છે જ્યારે ભારતીય એન્ક્લેવ બાંગ્લાદેશમાં જોડાઈ જશે. વડા પ્રધાન નરેન્દ્ર મોદી અને બાંગ્લાદેશી વડા પ્રધાન શેખ હસીના વચ્ચે તાજેતરમાં ઢાકામાં કરાયેલી સમજૂતી અનુસાર ભારતે ૧૧૧ એન્કલેવને આવરી લેતી ૧૭,૧૬૦ એકર જમીન બાંગ્લાદેશને આપી દીધી
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Government Disrupting Parliament to Protect Guilty

Government Disrupting Parliament to Protect Guilty


Govt Disrupting Parliament

To Protect Guilty

Sitaram Yechury

CLEARLY, this BJP government is brazening out the turmoil in the parliament
and is hoping to `ride the storm' and escape parliamentary scrutiny over
grave charges of corruption that have been raised by the united opposition.
On the eve of this monsoon session of parliament, this BJP government and PM
Modi, celebrating their first year in office, bombastically claimed that
they have provided a corruption-free government as opposed to the
scam-ridden UPA-2 government. The recent revelations in the Lalit Modi scam,
the Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh, the involvement of two BJP ministers in
the scams in Maharashtra and the public distribution system connected scams
by the BJP government in Chhattisgarh have busted this myth.

The issues causing the current disruptions in both houses of parliament are
the serious allegations of misuse of office pertaining to the union minister
for external affairs and the chief minister of Rajasthan regarding the undue
favours they have shown to a fugitive from Indian law, former cricket IPL
czar, Lalit Modi.  It is alleged that their recommendations, facilitated
this fugitive from remaining beyond the jurisdiction of Indian law. It is
alleged that they facilitated the procuring of a legal travel document to
this fugitive from a foreign government (UK).

Outside the parliament, the BJP counters these charges by saying that these
actions by the external affairs minister were prompted by feelings of
humanism to help the concerned fugitive to attend to his ailing wife in
Portugal. It was argued that this fugitive requires to sign the papers
sanctioning medical treatment of his wife. Subsequently, it was shown that
Portugal does not require the concurrence of the spouse in such medical
cases. Further, many media reports have shown how this limited objective
could have been met through a limited travel permit from London to Portugal,
even if that was necessary and, at the same time, ensuring the return of the
fugitive to be tried under Indian law without recommending the issue of a
general travel document. The current parliamentary disruptions are also
connected with demand for action on serious allegations against the Madhya
Pradesh chief minister in the Vyapam scam. This scam represents a deadly
cocktail of crime and corruption that has claimed the lives of scores of
people, many outside the state.

This BJP government charges the opposition of avoiding a discussion in
parliament when they are prepared to (mercifully!) allow one.  The
opposition correctly maintains that a parliamentary discussion cannot be a
substitute for an investigation. These are serious charges that need to be
investigated at the highest level.  Till such an investigation continues, as
is the norm for any government servant, the accused demits office in order
to ensure strict impartiality.  It is precisely this that is being asked of
this BJP government.  After all, PM Modi declared from the Red Fort that he
is not the `Pradhan Mantri' but he is the `Pradhan Sewak'!  Surely,
therefore, the same rules and norms that govern a government servant in such
cases must apply to ministers as well.

All that the opposition is now asking this Modi government is that it
applies the same yardstick that they were asking for earlier. Consider the
utterly duplicitous positions now being taken by the BJP compared to their
own utterances in the past.  Much has appeared in public domain on the
positions taken by the minister for external affairs as the leader of
opposition in the Lok Sabha and the finance minister as the leader of the
opposition in the Rajya Sabha when similar disruptions rocked the parliament
during the UPA government's tenure.  On the oil for food scandal (Volker
disclosures), the 2005 parliament's winter session was disrupted leading to
the resignation of the then external affairs minister, Natwar Singh.  Then
the present minister for external affairs, Sushma Swaraj had said, "It was
only due to the pressure mounted by the opposition that the government
yesterday talked about probing the issue..No probe can be impartial without
Natwar Singh quitting office" (November 4, 2005).  Later in September 2012,
on the coal scam, Sushma Swaraj as the then leader of the opposition said,
"I would like to remind the prime minister, when he was leader of opposition
in Rajya Sabha (Dr Manmohan Singh), they had stalled parliament over the
Tehelka issue.  Even over the coffin scam, they stalled parliament and
called us coffin thieves."  Further, "Debate under 193 would mean a
`talkout' by the government and walkout by opposition. If we would have
taken debate under (rule) 184, they would have won because they have
numbers. Numbers however do not give the license to loot the country."
Also, "Not allowing parliament to function is also a form of democracy like
any other form".  She contended reacting to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's
statement that the BJP's stalling of parliament was a "negation" of
democracy.  The Congress and BJP roles now seem to have been reversed!  The
only consistent anti-corruption voice in the parliament remained and remains
that of CPI(M) and the Left.

In this context, it is necessary to highlight, once again, that neo-liberal
economic reforms engender corruption at high places by nurturing `crony
capitalism'. This Modi government is pursuing neo-liberal economic reforms
more aggressively than the Manmohan Singh government; scams, familiar under
UPA governments, thus, are bound to recur, if not, intensify under this Modi

Further, take the case of the present union finance minister who is also the
leader of the house (Rajya Sabha).  He has been popping up and down like the
proverbial "jack in the box" raising "points of order". On every occasion
that he has done so in this current session, the house was disrupted
prompting opposition leaders to say that he is raising "points of disorder".
However, under the UPA government, while leading the disruption of
parliament as the leader of the opposition, he had said, "There are
occasions when obstructions in parliament brings greater benefits to the
country.Our strategy does not permit us to allow the government to use the
parliament (for debate) without being held accountable..we do not want to
give the government an escape route through debate".  Further, "We, in the
opposition, are not interested in merely the issue being talked out through
a one day debate in parliament." (August 26, 2012)

In this current session, the same person charged the opposition by saying,
"Why are you running away from a discussion? are scared of a
discussion. (July 21, 2015). Further, "I dare you to start the discussion.
You don't have a single fact. Therefore noise making is all that you want to
do, and you don't want to discuss..."  (July 22, 2015)

Can there be greater duplicity?

Parliamentary disruptions during the 15th Lok Sabha eventually resulted in
the resignations of some UPA-2 ministers - A Raja, Dayanidhi Maran, Sashi
Tharoor, P K Bansal, Ashwini Kumar etc.  (Today, the union home minister
says, unabashedly, that this BJP government is not the UPA government and no
minister shall resign!) We can go back even earlier to expose the BJP's
current duplicity. Atal Behari Vajpayee in December 1995 said, "We don't
want a debate for debate's sake" demanding the resignation of the then
communication minister Sukh Ram.

Surely, two wrongs do not make a right.  The point is not to score points
with the BJP on what they said when they were in the opposition.  In this
context, it is important to underline the constitutionally mandated
responsibilities of the parliament.

Specifying separation of powers and spelling out the mechanics to work in
harmony where the three wings - executive, legislature and the judiciary -
play a joint and participatory role, our Constitution defines the centrality
of the will of the people. The preamble defines this most eloquently by
stating, "We, the people of India" and "do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to
ourselves this Constitution". The eternal message is the sovereignty of the
people and its primacy in our constitutional system.  The people exercise
this sovereignty through their elected parliamentarians who, in turn, are
accountable to the people by making the government accountable to the
parliament.  The executive and the legislature given their responsibility
under the Constitution to manage public affairs are in the final analysis
accountable to the people. Accountability, in fact, differentiates democracy
from other systems of governance.

The effectiveness of the parliament in ensuring such accountability by the
government is paramount for "good governance".  PM Modi and the BJP had
campaigned ad nauseum in the 2014 general elections that they will provide
good governance as opposed to the `paralysis' and `silence' of the Dr
Manmohan Singh government.  By negating the parliament's discharge of its
important responsibility of making the government accountable, they are
seriously undermining "good governance", in fact, negating it.

The parliament, thus, can only ensure executive accountability through
effective legislative scrutiny not through a debate but by pressurising the
executive to order an investigation into the allegations. This BJP
government is escaping being accountable behind the veil of conducting a
"debate for debate's sake".  It is this BJP government that is today, thus,
causing parliamentary disruptions.

Further, the BJP argues that the recommendations given by the external
affairs minister and the Rajasthan chief minister do not constitute an act
of corruption. This is patently wrong.  The Prevention of Corruption Act
1988, article 13 (1) (d) (iii) states: "while holding office as a public
servant, obtains for any person any valuable thing or pecuniary advantage
without any public interest;".  Surely, obtaining a travel document from a
foreign country for an individual staying abroad to escape action under
Indian law and when the Indian passport of this fugitive is declared invalid
under Indian law, is a `valuable thing' and `without any public interest'.
This is corruption, plain and simple.

In this context, recollect how a western democracy deals with similar
situations. The resignation of Peter Mandelson from the Tony Blair
government in the UK is appropriate. In early 2001, British media reported
that Mandelson had raised money for the `millennium dome' from the  Hinduja
brothers, in return for a `favour' of securing a passport for one of them,
Srichand. The passport was delivered within six months of applying against
the average 20 months, in breach of the British Nationality Act, 1981. This
was done on the basis of Mandelson's recommendation to the immigration
minister in the UK home office.  There was a hue and cry in the British
parliament. Mandelson had to resign though Srichand Hinduja was not accused
of wrongdoings and was not a fugitive from justice. Also the `millennium
dome' was a national edifice not involving any personal pecuniary gain.
Further, there was no suggestion of any "cosy relationship" between
Mandelson and Srichand Hinduja unlike in the present instance (both external
affairs minister and Rajasthan chief minister have publicly stated their
closeness to Lalit Modi).  It was the sheer impropriety in the act
recommendation for which Mandelson had to resign.

Here in India, persons committing graver offences are being protected by
this BJP government! Such is the `good governance' that PM Modi promised to
deliver in 2014. Such promises cannot be allowed to be betrayed. This Modi
government must be made accountable to the parliament and, through it, to
the people.

(July 29, 2015)

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‘Yakub is dead but my fight goes on': Hanged terrorist’s lawyer

‘Yakub is dead but my fight goes on': Hanged terrorist’s lawyer

Yakub is dead but my fight goes on': Hanged terrorist’s lawyer says Supreme Court made a ‘tragic mistake’ and Memon did not get time to make peace with his creator

Anand Grover, a senior Supreme Court lawyer who represented Memon, feels he was harshly treated
Anand Grover, a senior Supreme Court lawyer who represented Memon, feels he was harshly treated
The hangman did his job, and Yakub Memon is dead. But it seems a fight will continue nonetheless.
It’s a battle that will aim to ensure that death row convicts in a similar situation “do not suffer”. And leading the battle will be Anand Grover, the senior Supreme Court lawyer who represented Memon in two crucial hearings.
The eminent lawyer feels that by dismissing Memon’s mercy plea just two hours before his execution on Thursday, the apex court committed a “tragic mistake”.
“Supreme Court committed a tragic mistake. Yakub Memon did not get time to come to peace with his own  god, come to peace with his own soul and even settle the will with his family. He may be dead but I will still move the apex court so that convicts in identical situations do not suffer. I hope the Supreme Court will change this norm,” Grover told Mail Today.
Memon, the lone convict to be sentenced to death in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts case, was hanged to death in the Nagpur Central Prison at 6.43am on Thursday after a day of intense court room action and an unprecedented night-long legal proceeding in the Supreme Court.
Apparently the country’s apex court wanted to send across an impression that it will not stand in the way of anybody who wanted to exhaust his last legal remedy.
“It was a tragic mistake and a wrong decision. The authorities were hell bent on executing him without giving him the right to challenge the rejection of his mercy petition by the President as right to life of a condemned prisoner lasts till his last breath,” Grover said.
People celebrate after the hanging of 1993 Mumbai blasts accused Yakub Memon, in Ahmedabad
People celebrate after the hanging of 1993 Mumbai blasts accused Yakub Memon, in Ahmedabad
RAF personnel on patrol near Yakub Memon’s residence in Mumbai on July 30
RAF personnel on patrol near Yakub Memon’s residence in Mumbai on July 30
He questioned how the apex court accepted the argument of the Modi government’s Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi that Memon had one-and-a-half years to file the curative petition, the last legal remedy available to a death convict, when the second official review petition was dismissed only on April 9, 2015.
“When the apex court allowed hearing of the review petition in an open court in Mohammad Arif’s case it is a continuation of the process. At that stage the earlier review petition need not be counted,” Grover said.
Memon should have been given a chance to challenge the rejection of the mercy plea by the Maharashtra Governor and President Pranab Mukherjee which was his right, Grover said. He had a right to go to the court and challenge it, he added.
“It is totally unacceptable how the two executive authorities could reject overnight the mercy petitions which had cited new grounds like the convict suffering from schizophrenia and his good conduct in the jail,” Grover said.
The President should also have considered the fact that the mercy petition moved by the convict on Wednesday was the first by himself and all the earlier ones were by his relatives including his brother.
Police personnel stand guard outside Yakub’s house in Mumbai
Police personnel stand guard outside Yakub’s house in Mumbai
“In the historic judgment in Shatrughan Chauhan case the court ruled that in cases of death sentence if there is undue delay in execution then the sentence can be reduced to life imprisonment. It had said that after a mercy petition is rejected one has every chance to challenge it,” said Grover.
“Apparently, the fear of the court and the authorities was if they allow a stay we would have challenged the mercy plea and it could get dragged on and the execution could get delayed. But remember it was our right,” said Memon’s lawyer.
In a last-ditch effort to save Memon from the gallows and get the hanging fixed for 7am deferred, Memon’s battery of eminent lawyers – Prashant Bhushan, Nitya Ramakrishnan Yug Chaudhary and Vrinda Grover – cited the Maharashtra Jail Manual that mandated seven days gap between rejection of mercy petition or curative petition and execution of a convict.
They also reminded the court about the 14-day gap between the day of rejection of mercy plea and execution, but it literally fell on deaf ears.
They vehemently argued that these rulings are being violated, but the apex court was not impressed.
Grover was of the view that the three-judge bench which finally dismissed Memon’s plea should not have totally ignored the conclusion of Justice Kurian Joseph, one of the judges in the earlier Bench that there was a procedural lapse in the way the convict’s curative petition was heard.
“He should have got a benefit of doubt. There should have been a relook as Justice Kurian suggested. What was the hurry in hanging and decision making? It was after all an issue of taking the life of a man. As the old saying goes, if you cannot give life you cannot take a life,” said Grover.
Thousands turn up for his burial 
By Ganesh N in Mumbai 
Yakub’s brothers Suleiman (left) and Usman pictured outside the jail in Nagpur
Yakub’s brothers Suleiman (left) and Usman pictured outside the jail in Nagpur
The body of Yakub Abdul Razak Memon, who was hanged to death at 7am in Nagpur jail on Thursday, was laid to rest by his family members at a cemetery in Mumbai.
Thousands of people turned up to witness the burial.
After his execution, his body was flown to Mumbai, where it arrived at 1.30pm. Initially, it was said that the body would be taken to Al Hussaini building at Mahim, where the Memon family resides. This was the same building where Yakub’s brother Ibrahim, alias Tiger Memon, hatched the conspiracy for the 1993 serial bomb blasts.
However, the ambulance carrying the body was instead taken to his elder brother Suleman’s residence at Bismillah Manzil.
Notwithstanding the large presence of police personnel, thousands of people turned up for the namaze- janaza, the last prayer offered in the memory of the departed.
The Mumbai police had deployed a Quick Response Team (QRT), a specialised squad that is designed to control a riot-like situation. In fact, the entire 35,000-strong Mumbai police force was on duty on Thursday as all leave and holidays had been cancelled.
Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria himself turned up at Mahim to oversee the police deployment for the funeral.
At Mahim, it took over two hours for the body to proceed to the cemetery. An announcement was made that the funeral will not be heading to nearby Mahim Durgah, but instead go to Bada Kabristan near Marine Lines in South Mumbai.
However, the number of people in the funeral procession swelled beyond the expectations of the police. It was estimated that more than 15,000 people turned up for the funeral.
A large turnout of mourners for the funeral was trending on Twitter with many, including media representatives, making sarcastic remarks about it.
Yakub’s body was laid to rest at about 5.30pm. Coincidentally, Thursday was Yakub’s birthday. He lived to see the sunrise of July 30, as Nagpur city recorded the sunrise at 5.46am.
In the last days leading to his execution, Yakub was observed to be anxious due to the uncertainty on the outcome of his petition before the Supreme Court. It was only after Yakub met his elder brother Suleman on Wednesday night that he had food.
Yakub’s last wish was to meet his daughter Zubeida. However, as she was in Mumbai and a meeting in person could not be arranged, the prison officials facilitated a phone call between the father and daughter on Wednesday night.
Congress and BJP spar over Yakub’s hanging 
By Mail Today Bureau in New Delhi 
Leaders of the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress traded barbs on Thursday over the hanging of 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon.
Congress leaders Shashi Tharoor and Digvijaya Singh raised questions on the credibility of the government and the judiciary, following which BJP leaders launched a counter-attack, calling their comments “bizarre” and “insult to the people”.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley (left) slammed the Congress, while Shashi Tharoor (right) expressed sadness over Yakub Memon’s hanging.
Expressing his opinion in a series of tweets, Digvijaya said the government and the judiciary should display the same exemplary urgency and commitment in all terror cases irrespective of the religion of the accused.
“I have my doubts the way the cases of other Terror accused are being conducted. Let’s see. Credibility of the Govt and Judiciary is at stake (sic),” he said.
Tharoor, meanwhile, said “state-sponsored killing diminishes us all by reducing us to murderers too”.
He said he was saddened by the news that “our government has hanged a human being”.
Attacking the Congress, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley slammed the Opposition leaders for giving contrarian statements on Yakub’s death sentence. He said it was a cause of concern and demanded that Congress president Sonia Gandhi explain to the country what the party’s was stand on this.
BJP secretary Shrikant Sharma said the Congress leaders’ remarks underlined the conflicting voices in the Opposition party over the issue of terrorism.
“He (Tharoor) is insulting the peace-loving people who want to get rid of terrorism.”
Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy, meanwhile, said he was shocked by Tharoor’s comments and termed them bizarre.

फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ों, पुलिस हिरासत में प्रतिदिन 4 बेकसूर मारे जाते हैं दमनकारी, शोषक, जनविरोधी सरकार को ऐसी ही सेना, ऐसी पुलिस चाहिए!!

फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ों, पुलिस हिरासत में प्रतिदिन 4 बेकसूर मारे जाते हैं
दमनकारी, शोषक, जनविरोधी सरकार को ऐसी ही सेना, ऐसी पुलिस चाहिए!!

गुजरात पुलिस के हाथों फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ में इशरत जहां और तीन अन्य नौजवानों की हत्या की सच्चाई जाँच कमेटी ने तो अब बतायी है लेकिन देश की आदमख़ोर पुलिस और नरेन्द्र मोदी की ख़ूनी सरकार को जानने वाले लोग शुरू से ही इसे एक नृशंस हत्या ही मानते रहे हैं। पुलिस को फ़र्ज़ी मुठभेड़ों में बेकसूरों की हत्याएँ करने का लाइसेंस मिला हुआ है। चाहे देहरादून में उत्तराखण्ड पुलिस के हाथों 22 वर्षीय छात्र रणवीर की हत्या हो, बाटला हाउस में कथित मुठभेड़ में आतंकवादियों के नाम पर चार नौजवानों की हत्या का मामला हो या कश्मीर के शोपियां में दो युवतियों की बलात्कार के बाद हत्या की घटना हो – हर जगह पुलिस और सेना की घिनौनी करतूतें सामने आते ही सरकारें फ़ौरन उनके बचाव में उतर आती हैं।
custodial_death_01_fपूरे देश के पैमाने पर पुलिस, सेना और अन्य सशस्त्र बलों द्वारा अधिकतर अवैध और कभी-कभी वैध तरीक़े से लोगों को हिरासत में लेना और टॉर्चर करके उन्हें मार डालना एक आम प्रवृत्ति बन गयी है, जो साल दर साल बढ़ती जा रही है। एक तरफ़ तो इस जघन्य अपराध की घटनाएँ लगातार बढ़ती जा रही हैं, वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ सरकार, प्रशासन या न्यायपालिका की तरफ़ से इसके ख़िलाफ़ कोई प्रभावी क़दम उठाने की पहल होती नज़र नहीं आ रही है। निश्चित तौर पर इस उदासीनता का एक प्रमुख कारण यह है कि वर्दीधारियों की अमानवीयता का शिकार होने वालों में सबसे बड़ी संख्या ग़रीब और निम्नमध्यवर्गीय लोगों की होती है, और सम्पत्ति को ही अन्तिम पैमाना मानने वाली इस व्यवस्था में जिनके जान की क़ीमत कुछ ख़ास नहीं समझी जाती।
ये तथ्य एशियन सेण्टर फ़ॉर ह्यूमन राइट्स (एसीएचआर) की हाल ही में प्रकाशित रिपोर्ट – टॉर्चर इन इण्डिया 2009 (भारत में टॉर्चर 2009) में उजागर हुए हैं। इस रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक़ 1 अप्रैल 2001 से 31 मार्च 2009 तक भारतभर से 1184 लोगों के पुलिस हिरासत में मरने की सूचना राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग को मिली। इसमें बहुत बड़ी संख्या उन लोगों की है, जिनकी मौत पुलिस हिरासत में बर्बर टॉर्चर के कारण हुई। ज़्यादातर मौतें पुलिस हिरासत में लिये जाने के 48 घण्टे के भीतर हुईं। वर्ष 2007 में पुलिस हिरासत में 118 लोगों की मौत हुई जबकि 2006 में यह संख्या 89 थी। यानी कि एक साल में 32.5 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई। इसी के बरक्स रिपोर्ट बताती है कि 2007 में पुलिस हिरासत में हुई मौतों के 118 मामलों में सिर्फ़ 61 मामलों में मजिस्ट्रेट द्वारा जाँच के आदेश दिये गये या जाँच की गयी। 12 मामलों में क़ानूनी जाँच हुई। 57 मामलों में पुलिसकर्मियों के ख़िलाफ़ मामले दर्ज किये गये और 35 पुलिसकर्मियों के ख़िलाफ़ चार्जशीट दाख़िल की गयी। ग़ौरतलब है कि वर्ष 2007 में हिरासत में हुई मौत के मामलों में एक भी पुलिसकर्मी को सज़ा नहीं हुई। ध्यान देने वाली बात यह भी है कि ये आँकड़े सिर्फ़ उन मामलों के हैं जिनकी सूचना सम्बन्धित राज्यों की पुलिस ने राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग को दी है। एसीएचआर की रिपोर्ट कई ऐसे मामलों का ज़िक्र करती है जिनमें हिरासत में हुई मौत की सूचना पुलिस ने मानवाधिकार आयोग को नहीं दी। इसके अलावा सेना, अर्द्धसैनिक बलों, सीमा सुरक्षा बल और अन्य सशस्त्र बलों की हिरासत मे होने वाली मौतों का ज़िक्र इस रिपोर्ट में नहीं है, क्योंकि ये बल केन्द्र सरकार के नियन्त्रण में हैं।
इस रोशनी में देखें तो हिरासत में होने वाली कुल मौतों की संख्या इससे बहुत अधिक होने की सम्भावना है। पिछले साल प्रकाशित एक ख़बर के अनुसार भारतभर में हर रोज़ पुलिस हिरासत या क़ानूनी हिरासत में औसतन चार लोगों की मौत होती है। अगर आतंकवादी गतिविधियों में औसतन रोज़ दो लोगों के मरने के आँकड़े से इसकी तुलना की जाये तो यह कहना अतिश्योक्ति नहीं होगी कि भारत के लोगों की जान को आतंकवादियों के मुकाबले पुलिस वालों से ज़्यादा ख़तरा है।
एसीएचआर की रिपोर्ट में दिये गये तथ्य आतंक और दहशत की उस पूरी भावना को व्यक्त नहीं करते जो पुलिस और सेना तथा सशस्त्र बलों की मौजूदगी में जनता में व्याप्त होती है। देश और देश की सुरक्षा के नाम पर आज़ादी के बाद से भारतीय सेना और पुलिस ने जितने लोगों का ख़ून बहाया है, उतना अपने दो सौ वर्षों के शासन में अंग्रेज़ों ने भी नहीं बहाया था। तमाम तरह के जनान्दोलनों को कुचलने में पुलिस और फ़ौज की निर्ममता किसी विदेशी सेना से कम नहीं होती। यह अनायास नहीं है कि देश के एक प्रतिष्ठित न्यायाधीश ने पुलिस को सबसे बड़ा संगठित गुण्डा गिरोह क़रार दिया था। पुलिस की बर्बरता, अमानवीयता और जनविरोधी रवैया कोई गुप्त चीज़ नहीं हैं, इसके साथ ही पुलिस विभाग में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार और उसका वर्ग-पूर्वाग्रह (धनिकों का पक्ष लेना और ग़रीबों का उत्पीड़न करना) भी सभी जानते हैं।
एसीएचआर की रिपोर्ट भी मानती है कि पुलिस-प्रताड़ना का शिकार सबसे अधिक समाज का ग़रीब और वंचित तबक़ा ही होता है। हमारे समाज में जहाँ मध्यवर्ग तक के लोग पुलिसिया दुर्व्यवहार और अपमान से भय खाते हैं, वहाँ ग़रीब लोगों के लिए पुलिस गाली-गलौच, मार-पिटाई और जिल्लत-अपमान का पर्याय है। एक ग़रीब आदमी के लिए संविधान द्वारा दिये गये सभी अधिकार और कोर्ट-कचहरी के न्याय का मतलब तभी समाप्त हो जाता है, जब सरेआम माँ-बहन करता हुआ पुलिसवाला उसका गिरेबान पकड़कर उसकी औकात बता देता है। पैसे और पहुँच के अभाव में ग़रीब आदमी चौराहे से लेकर थाने तक अपमान और अत्याचार सहन करता है और जटिल और महँगी न्याय-व्यवस्था की शरण में जाने के बाद तो वह एक दुश्चक्र में फँसकर रह जाता है। पहले से ही मुक़दमों के अम्बार के तले दबी न्यायपालिका की शरण में ग़रीब आदमी ठगा-सा ही महसूस करता है। इस दौरान पुलिस का डण्डा अपना न्याय करता रहता है और सज़ा मुकर्रर करता रहता है। भारतीय अदालतों में लगभग 3 करोड़ मुकदमे लम्बित हैं, जिनका वर्तमान रफ्तार से निपटारा करने में सैकड़ों साल लग जायेंगे और वह भी तब जब कोई नया मामला दर्ज न हो। एसीएचआर की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार वर्ष 2006 के अन्त तक भारत की जेलों में कुल 3,73,271 क़ैदी थे जिनमें 65.7 प्रतिशत विचाराधीन क़ैदी थे। इनमें भी 1,569 विचाराधीन क़ैदी ऐसे थे, जो पाँच साल या उससे भी अधिक समय जेल में बिता चुके थे और अभी तक उनका गुनाह तक सिद्ध नहीं हुआ था। इनमें से ज़्यादातर लोगों का सबसे बड़ा गुनाह यही है कि ये लोग ग़रीब तबक़े के हैं और पुलिस-प्रशासन को रिश्वत देकर अपना गुनाह कम नहीं करवा सकते।
पुलिस और सेना द्वारा मानवाधिकारों का खुलेआम और बड़े पैमाने पर हनन के विरोध में मीडिया और सभ्य समाज में किसी सार्थक पहल का पूरी तरह अभाव है। पुलिसिया मुठभेड़ में बेकसूर लोगों की हत्या की घटनाएँ मीडिया में सनसनी के तौर पर परोसी जाती हैं। एनकाउण्टर अपने आप में एक ग्लैमरस शब्द बना दिया गया है। एनकाउण्टरों में ज़्यादातर निर्दोष लोग मारे जाते हैं और जो गुनहगार मारे भी जाते हैं, उन्हें कभी पुलिस-प्रशासन का प्रश्रय मिल चुका रहता है, लेकिन वर्तमान स्थिति में उन्हें निपटा देना ही तन्त्र के हित में होता है। यह देखते हुए कहा जा सकता है कि आम भाषा में जिन्हें हत्यारा कहा जाना चाहिए उन्हें हमारे “सभ्य” समाज में एनकाउण्टर किंग कहा जाता है – तमगे, पुरस्कार, प्रोमोशन और इज़्ज़त से नवाज़ा जाता है। वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ आतंकवाद का हौवा खड़ाकर मीडिया पुलिस और सेना के प्रति लोगों के मन में एक सहानुभूति का भाव पैदा करता है और ऐसी मानसिकता बनाता है जिसमें पुलिस और सेना की ज़्यादतियों को क्षम्य मान लिया जाता है। आम सामाजिक जीवन में रोज़-ब-रोज़ होने वाले मानवाधिकार हनन के बारे में मीडिया ख़ामोश रहता है। अपने घर, नौकरी, बीमा, शेयर में फँसे सभ्य मध्यवर्गीय नागरिक के पास मानवाधिकार की फ़िक्र करने की फ़ुर्सत भी नहीं होती और वह समझता है कि यह उसका नहीं बल्कि मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता नामक ख़ास नस्ल के लोगों का काम है।
सरकार ने राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग और राज्यों में मानवाधिकार आयोग जैसे नुस्ख़े बनाये हैं लेकिन इन आयोगों के पास कोई ख़ास अधिकार ही नहीं होते। ये सिर्फ़ जवाब-तलब कर सकते हैं और सूचनाएँ इकट्ठा कर सकते हैं। सरकारी अधिकारी बहुत बाध्य हो जाने पर ही और काफ़ी टालमटोल के बाद इनकी बात मानते हैं। इन आयोगों की शिकायतें और संस्तुतियाँ कार्रवाई के इन्तज़ार में पड़ी धूल फाँकती रहती हैं। हिरासत में मौत होने के ज़्यादातर मामलों में पीड़ित के स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी रिपोर्टों और मौजूदा साक्ष्यों के बजाय राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग पुलिस के बयान को तरजीह देता है। यही कारण है कि वर्ष 2007 में हिरासत में हुई मौतों के सिलसिले में एक भी पुलिसकर्मी को सज़ा नहीं हो पायी। अन्य सरकारी विभागों की तरह ही राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग भी आम जनता को जितनी राहत देता है, उससे कहीं अधिक का भ्रम बनाये रखता है।
जिस समाज का ढाँचा 90-95 करोड़ ग़रीब लोगों की बर्बर लूट के दम पर मुट्ठी भर अमीरों और सुविधाभोगी तबकों को ऐशो-आराम दिलाने पर टिका हुआ है, वहाँ एक ऐसे तन्त्र का होना ज़रूरी है जो ताक़त के दम पर बहुमत को क़ाबू में रखे और थोड़े से विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त लोगों के हितों की रक्षा करे। आज के पूँजीवादी समाज में पुलिस-सेना-न्यायालय-अफ़सरशाही का तन्त्र इसी ज़रूरत को पूरा करता है। चाहे कितने भी सरकारी विभाग या आयोग बना दिये जायें, वे पुलिस और सेना के दमन और अत्याचार से जनता को राहत नहीं दिला सकते। असल बात तो यह है कि न्यायपालिका, विधायिका आदि पूँजीपतियों की तानाशाही के दिखाने के दाँत हैं, सेना, पुलिस और तरह-तरह के अर्द्धसैनिक बल ही उसके खाने के दाँत हैं। तमाम पुलिसिया दमन-उत्पीड़न के बावजूद सरकार दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों पर न तो कोई कार्रवाई करती है और न ही ब्रिटिशकालीन पुलिस सम्बन्धी क़ानूनों में संशोधन करती है। तरह-तरह के रंग-बिरंगे झण्डों वाली कोई भी चुनावबाज़ पार्टी इसके बारे में कुछ नहीं बोलती। अपना शासन आने पर सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियाँ इसी तन्त्र की बदौलत लूट का अपना राज चलाती हैं। मज़दूरों और आम जनता द्वारा अपनी जायज़ माँगों के लिए चलाये जाने वाले आन्दोलनों का दमन करने में सेना- पुलिस खुले तौर पर कम्पनी मालिकों-पूँजीपतियों के लठैत और दलाल की भूमिका निभाती हैं।

बिगुल, सितम्‍बर 2009

Dalits face oppression due to landlessness and lack of work to earn their livelihood. That is why the question of land distribution to landless dalits is of utmost importance but unfortunately no political party including dalit parties put this item on their political agenda as it involves struggle.

Dalits face oppression due to landlessness and lack of work to earn their livelihood. That is why the question of land distribution to landless dalits is of utmost importance but unfortunately no political party including dalit parties put this item on their political agenda as it involves struggle.
The attack on the Madiga families land not only exposes casteist hatred present but also speaks of a structured manner in which hierarchy is maintained.

Shabnam Hashmi:NGO means working on issues which are non contentious, not taking a stand against the root cause of injustice but looking at it superficially, doing actions which don't ruffle anyone's feathers, keeping quite against the powers and state, doing charity but not asking why people suffer . So here I declare ANHAD is not an NGO. we are activists who breath, who think, who speak , who take on the powers to be. and I am tired of all those who walk into Anhad to work 10-5 . Not the right place for 10-5 mindsets please.

Shabnam Hashmi

NGO means working on issues which are non contentious, not taking a stand against the root cause of injustice but looking at it superficially, doing actions which don't ruffle anyone's feathers, keeping quite against the powers and state, doing charity but not asking why people suffer .
So here I declare ANHAD is not an NGO.
we are activists who breath, who think, who speak , who take on the powers to be.
and I am tired of all those who walk into Anhad to work 10-5 . Not the right place for 10-5 mindsets please.

अख़बार और मज़दूर अन्‍तोनियो ग्राम्‍शी

अख़बार और मज़दूर

अन्‍तोनियो ग्राम्‍शी
gramsciयह सदस्यता अभियानों का दौर है। बुर्जुआ अख़बारों के सम्पादक और प्रशासक अपने माल की ओर राहगीरों (यानी कि पाठकों) का ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए अपनी डिस्प्ले विण्डो को सँवारते हैं, अपनी दुकान के साइनबोर्डों पर थोड़ा वार्निश लगाते हैं और अपील करते हैं। उनके माल चार या छह पृष्ठों के अख़बार होते हैं जो प्रेस के निर्माताओं और व्यापारियों के लिए उपयुक्त मौजूदा राजनीति के तथ्यों का अहसास करने और उन्हें समझने के तरीक़ों को पाठक के दिमाग़ में घुसेड़ने के लिए हर सुबह या हर शाम निकलते हैं।
हम, ख़ासतौर पर मज़दूरों के साथ, इस मासूम सी दिखने वाली हरकत के महत्व और इसकी गम्भीरता पर चर्चा करना चाहेंगे, जो आपके द्वारा सदस्यता लेने के लिए अख़बार को चुनने में निहित है। यह प्रलोभनों और ख़तरों से भरा हुआ चयन है जिसे कसौटी पर कसते हुए एवं परिपक्व मन्थन के बाद सचेतन तौर पर किया जाना चाहिए।
सर्वोपरि, मज़दूर को बुर्जुआ अख़बार के साथ किसी भी प्रकार की एकजुटता को दृढ़ता से ख़ारिज करना चाहिए। और उसे हमेशा, हमेशा, हमेशा यह याद रखना चाहिए कि बुर्जुआ अख़बार (इसका रंग जो भी हो) उन विचारों एवं हितों से प्रेरित संघर्ष का एक उपकरण होता है जो आपके विचार और हित के विपरीत होते हैं। इसमें छपने वाली सभी बातें एक ही विचार से प्रभावित होती हैं: वह है प्रभुत्वशाली वर्ग की सेवा करना, और जो आवश्यकता पड़ने पर इस तथ्य में परिवर्तित हो जाती है: मज़दूर वर्ग का विरोध करना। और वास्तव में, बुर्जुआ अख़बार की पहली से आखि़री लाइन तक इस पूर्वाधिकार की गन्ध आती है और यह दिखायी देता है।
लेकिन ख़ूबसूरत – जो कि वास्तव में बदसूरत है – चीज़ यह है कि बुर्जुआ वर्ग के पक्ष में किये जाने वाले इस निर्दयी काम के लिए बुर्जुआ वर्ग से धन लेने के बजाय, बुर्जुआ अख़बार उन्हीं मेहनतकश वर्गों से धन भी जुटाते हैं जिनका वे हमेशा विरोध करते हैं। और मज़दूर वर्ग भुगतान करता है; ठीक समय पर, उदारतापूर्वक।
लाखों मज़दूर बुर्जुआ अख़बारों को नियमित रूप से और रोज़ अपने पैसे देते हैं, इस तरह उनकी ताक़त बढ़ाने में सहायता करते हैं। क्यों? यदि यह प्रश्न आपको उस पहले मज़दूर से पूछना पड़ा हो जिसे आपने ट्राम में अथवा सड़क पर बुर्जुआ अख़बार लिये देखा हो तो आपको जवाब मिला होगा: ‘क्योंकि मुझे यह जानने की ज़रूरत है कि क्या हो रहा है।’ और यह बात उसके दिमाग़ में कभी नहीं घुसती कि ख़बरों और उन्हें पकाने वाली सामग्रियों को ऐसी कला से उजागर किया जाता है जो एक निश्चित दिशा में उसके विचारों को मोड़ती है एवं उसकी आत्मा को प्रभावित करती है। और फिर भी उसे पता है कि यह अख़बार अवसरवादी है, दूसरा वाला धनिकों के लिए है, तीसरे, चौथे, पाँचवें अख़बार राजनीतिक दलों से जुड़े हैं जिनके हित उसके हित से बिल्कुल विपरीत हैं।
और इस प्रकार प्रतिदिन वही मज़दूर व्यक्तिगत रूप से देखता है कि बुर्जुआ अख़बार यहाँ तक कि बहुत ही साधारण तथ्यों को ऐसे तरीक़े से बताते हैं जो बुर्जुआ वर्ग के पक्ष एवं मज़दूर वर्ग और उसकी राजनीति के विरोध में होता है। क्या हड़ताल हुई? जहाँ तक बुर्जुआ अख़बारों का सवाल है मज़दूर हमेशा ग़लत होते हैं। क्या कोई प्रदर्शन हुआ? प्रदर्शनकारी हमेशा ग़लत होते हैं, महज़ इसलिए क्योंकि वे मज़दूर हैं जिनका दिमाग़ हमेशा गर्म रहता है, वे हिंसक होते हैं, उपद्रवी होते हैं। सरकार ने कोई क़ानून पारित किया? यह हमेशा अच्छा, उपयोगी और न्यायपूर्ण होता है, यद्यपि यह नहीं होता। और यदि कोई चुनावी, राजनीतिक अथवा प्रशासनिक संघर्ष होता है? सबसे अच्छे कार्यक्रम और उम्मीदवार हमेशा बुर्जुआ दलों के होते हैं।
और हम उन सभी तथ्यों के बारे में बात तक नहीं कर रहे हैं जिनपर बुर्जुआ अख़बार या तो चुप्पी साधे रहते हैं, अथवा मज़दूरों को गुमराह करने, भ्रमित करने या उन्हें अज्ञानी बनाये रखने के लिए उसका उपहास उड़ाते हैं, या उसे झूठा साबित करते हैं। इसके बावजूद, बुर्जुआ अख़बारों के प्रति मज़दूर की आपराधिक मौन स्वीकृति असीम है। हमें इसके खि़लाफ़ खड़ा होना होगा और मज़दूरों को वास्तविकता की सही पहचान करानी होगी। हमें बार-बार यह दोहराना होगा कि अख़बार विक्रेता के हाथों में अन्यमनस्कता से पैसे देना बुर्जुआ अख़बार को तोप के गोले देना है जिसका उपयोग वह उपयुक्त समय पर, मज़दूर वर्ग के खि़लाफ़ करेगा।
यदि मज़दूरों को इन मूलभूत सच्चाइयों से अवगत कराया गया होता तो वे उसी एकजुटता और अनुशासन के साथ बुर्जुआ प्रेस का बहिष्कार करना सीख गये होते जिससे बुर्जुआ मज़दूरों के अख़बारों, जो कि समाजवादी प्रेस है, का बहिष्कार करता है। बुर्जुआ प्रेस, जो कि आपका विरोधी है, को आर्थिक सहयोग नहीं दें। सभी बुर्जुआ अख़बारों के सदस्यता अभियान के इस दौर में हमारा नारा यही होना चाहिए। बहिष्कार करो, बहिष्कार करो, बहिष्कार करो!
मज़दूर बिगुलजुलाई 2015