Sustain Humanity

Sunday, July 12, 2015

No Sign Of A Coherent Strategy For Defeating Perverted And Barbaric Islamic Fundamentalism

CC News Letter 12 July - No Sign Of A Coherent Strategy For Defeating Perverted And Barbaric Islamic Fundamentalism

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

How Fascist Capitalism Functions: The Case of Greec
By Eric Zuesse

There is democratic capitalism, and there is fascist capitalism. What we have today is fascist capitalism; and the following will explain how it works, using as an example the case of Greece

No Sign Of A Coherent Strategy For Defeating Perverted And Barbaric Islamic Fundamentalism
By Alan Hart

In Western political and mainstream media circles the great debate about what must be done if perverted and barbaric Islamic fundamentalism (PBIF) is to be contained and defeated is heating up. But nobody participating in this debate (be it President Obama or Tony Blair or whoever) wants to come to grips with the real issue. In my view the question that takes us to the heart of it is the following. What could and should be done to address the prime causes of Arab and other Muslim hurt, humiliation, anger and despair which open hearts and minds to PBIF's propaganda?

Vladimir Putin States Russia's New Strategy
By Eric Zuesse

Russian President Vladimir Putin presented, on July 3rd, to Russia's Security Council, the nation's new National Security Strategy, which encompasses not merely military, but especially economic, agencies within the Russian Federal Government

The Greece And Eurozone Crisis Made Simple
By Brian Davey

One can go into long convoluted explanations but, as I see it, there are two basic problems, one leading into the other. The more superficial problem is that in a single currency zone without the option of devaluation purchasing power will drain to the more competitive countries. To continue buying in the common currency people, companies and governments in less competitive (and poorer) countries have to borrow but this is a temporary solution for the obvious reason that they must pay back with interest so pretty soon borrowing makes this problem worse

An Interview With Agroecologist Jairo Restrepo
By Juanfran Lopez

Jairo Restrepo is a passionate educator and activist in the field of sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty. He campaigns for a return of self-determination, knowledge and autonomy for the farmer in the face of powerful agribusiness. He has been a consultant on sustainable agriculture for many years, working with the UN, Unesco, the FAO and the International Labour Organisation, among others. Originally from Columbia, Restrepo is a strong advocate for agroecology and regenerative farming. He is unique in that he not only argues passionately for the rights of farmers, but he also teaches an array of practical technologies and preparations to increase soil fertility and transform cropping. He offers tools and inspiration for farmers, smallholders and activists

"Opinion Against The Ongoing Indefinite Curfew In Manipur"
By Concerned Citizens

The curfew has imposed a big burden on those who are dependent on the Imphal market for their daily consumption. It seriously affected the petty traders who are dependent on the local market for commodity exchange. The marginal labourers who are in search of daily work are badly affected because of the restrictions to free movement. Who will compensate for the loss incurred on the family income due to the obstructions caused by the curfew? If these burdens of the people have not been addressed by those who accumulate huge money through corrupt means and who are enjoying the blessings of the authoritarian regime; it only obviates the fact that they are profiting from oppressing the people and are never for their welfare

AFSPA Extension In Nagaland Is A Failure Of Government
By Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign

Recently , AFSPA was extended for another term in Nagaland. It is not only unfortunate and condemnable, but it also shows that how much incapable government is

Gurvinder Singh Supports #FTIIStrike

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